Stockings—being the harmonising link between the outfit and the shoe—are more than a mere accessory of attire, and the study of fashion magazines is recommended, especially with regard to fabrics and leathers, and if the wording of the various advertisements is memorised, and the meaning of terms assimilated, valuable advice can be given to customers, governing their choice of a stocking towards the attaining of the perfect ensemble.

Saleswomen are—shall we say—on a stage, and like their theatrical counterparts, weary at times of their “lines”, and if only for this reason, new matter should be gleaned from the various sources available, so that the making of a sale gives pleasure to seller and buyer alike.

Departments should co-ordinate their efforts towards general fashion education in teaming up:-

Dresses, Belts, Gloves, Handbags and Shoes with Hosiery.

The fashion picture is ever changing, and it is of paramount importance to have a knowledge of:-

What to wear with what—and when.


What every woman wants in a shop is personal interest. That which displeases her most of all is an attitude of indifference towards her requests—the need for an individual appreciation of her immediate dress problems is cryingly apparent. When a woman enters a shop or store, let her receive the deference that would be accorded a person of some importance—in other words, “sell” people as well as merchandise. After all, there are other shops vying for her custom—competition is keen—and all things being equal from a merchandise point of view, it is the good saleswomen who will claim her personal allegiance. Therefore, act as though you want to help her, and focus on her the whole of your attention. Genuine interest is worth a whole volume of superficial sales–talk, and even if the customer “goes empty away”, the satisfaction of having done one’s best remains. Remember, whatever her appearance, every woman loves nice stockings because fine hosiery is the perfect complement to smart clothes, and smart wardrobes need smart stockings. Try to sell the

better type of stocking—selling stockings is ten per cent talk, forty per cent, display, and fifty per cent, judgment, so let your judgment influence your use of the other fifty per cent. Begin then by showing the customer exactly what is asked for, even if it is the cheapest stocking you have. If, at the beginning, no price is mentioned, show a medium, grade first, and then up through the various grades until a price limit is imposed, and here the real selling test is arrived at. Bearing in mind the fact that a certain type of customer is never to be diverted from her original budgeted price, there is often the chance of a higher-priced sale if the better class lines are displayed with a “Perhaps madam would like to see these before finally deciding?” They seem to be very suitable for her particular type” (here is the discreetly implied compliment to which most women respond).

Your customer is sure to carry away with her a definite impression of your shop—which she will doubtless talk about when she gets home—and she unconsciously determines in her own mind whether you as a saleswoman have won or lost in serving her.

Good hosiery saleswomen are always in demand, and that makes self-improvement worth while. The saleswoman must make up her mind to think beyond the ordinary routine of selling. Research has produced some beautiful stockings, and the skill of the saleswoman is demonstrated in the display of these, and in her knowledge of their seasonal suitability, allied to their varying recommendations for various occasions of wear.

The rate of progress in selling stockings in a shop is measured by the number of friends made in a year. (Elsewhere in this book it is stated, “Women usually purchase hosiery as needed in any shop in which they happen to be”. What a golden opportunity to break down this statement.)

Be loyal to your business—a business must make and hold friends. Think in terms of service as well as sales, in ensuring that every customer you have the pleasure of serving is immediately put at ease. Every customer—having felt the extended welcome—will go away with a sense of satisfaction. You must be certain that the great