In the case of nylon, this in molten form is forced out through a spinneret by a suitable pump, the size of the individual filaments being determined by controlling the rate of delivery from the pump, and that at which the yarn is drawn away from the spinneret.

The classification of rayon and nylon defects is a little different from that applied to silk hosiery (where some concession due to unavoidable regularity has to be made) but apart from that, the following tabulation still holds good for all three fibres (silk, rayon and nylon).

 As Irregulars with the addition of:-As Irregulars and Seconds with the addition of:-
Welt Defects.Badly mis-matched WeltsMenders less than ½"Menders in excess of ½"
Leg Defects.Uneven stitch construction
Light colour contrasts or shadings
Visible rings or shadows
Visible picked-up pulled threads
Visible sinker lines
Minor yarn defects such as knots, slubs, broken filament
Menders less than ¼"
Sharply defined colour contrasts or shadings
Needle line marks
Major yarn defects such as decided rings, large knots, heavy slubs
Menders in excess of ¼"
Foot Defects.Light mis-matching at Instep
Heavy dye streaks
Heavy mis-matching at Instep 
Over-all Defects.Lengths under 26½"
Menders limited to medium or three two medium or two small menders small menders
More than two medium or three small menders 



The interesting thing about selling stockings is the large variety of styles which may be shown. Each style in the stocks behind the counter differs in some way from other styles in the section.

Knowledge of these various styles makes selling to the retail customer a real pleasure, not just a routine matter of handing stockings over the sales counter, and it is only by knowing the manufactured styles that the customer’s special requirements of appearance, fit and wear can be interpreted. It is necessary to be familiar with the contents of each box of stockings on the shelf, in knowing the thread weight, the general construction, and any other special features of the many hosiery brands, whether nationally advertised, or exclusive, finding out which styles fall under any general classification, and noting any difference of construction in each style group. The customer—it must be remembered—knows very little about the stockings available to show, and the predominant requirements of women are right length, sheerness of texture, long wear, and a flattering appearance. To this end, it is important to think only of styles in terms of occasions for wear, for unless all the styles in the department are known, there may be some difficulty when the customer discusses her stocking problems, and if recommendations in pointing out the features of fabric thread construction, welt and length details, foot design, etc., can be made, this should be of great help in promoting sales.

One-Thread, One-and-a-Half-Thread Silk, also 10/15 Den. Nylon. These are the luxury stockings—this chiffon weight is “little more than a wisp of a stocking”. They are constructed for beauty, certainly not for long wear, and are styled in fine gauges, being, of course, priced in the higher ranges. All goods coming under this heading are intended for special occasions only—notably for evening wear—and if dyed a flesh colour, the stockings are hardly more than a shadow on the leg.