When spring is in the air, there is always a strong revival of interest in lace and mesh hosiery styles.These stockings are usually made from cotton or rayon, the cotton being specially combed and either gassed or mercerised, and wide, open meshes are produced in this medium, the moderate and small meshes being made from rayon.

Many different designs and patterns can be had in this class of merchandise, and the stockings are equally suitable for wear with town suits or sports’ ensembles, according to the shade and pattern of the hose. (A few of these are portrayed on Fig. 46.)
This type of stocking is procurable in beige tones, also in bright colours, the former being popular for town wear, and the latter for wear with sports and country clothes.
Mesh and lace stockings give longer wear than do the plain fabric styles, although it could not be said that all meshed hose are ladder-proof.
In passing, it might be mentioned that the vertical-patterned lace hose give a slender appearance to the leg.