Sometimes women prefer stockings to be either longer or shorter than the average and, when they are unable to obtain the particular length which they require, they reduce the length of the stocking by folding over the top and suspendering on the leg of the stocking instead of on the welt. This can only result in the premature collapse of the stocking. The welt has been specially made to take the strain of the suspender and that part of the stocking only has been reinforced for this purpose. Similarly, it is foolish to suspender the stockings too tightly as this will inevitably burst stitches, regardless of whether the suspender is fixed to the welt or not.

Customers purchasing stockings should be reminded that the depth of the girdle or other garments to which their stockings will be suspendered should be considered when deciding upon the length of stocking that they wish to wear. A deep girdle can be worn with shorter stockings than can a narrow one, and if the wrong stocking length is selected, the hose will invariably give out more quickly than if greater care had been given to its selection for length. The importance of wearing the correct depth girdle with stockings can clearly be seen below.

Proper suspendering: depth of girdle